Carpenter Ants can be found almost anywhere and can often be some of the most annoying pests to homeowners. They prefer to live in damp dead wood which, unfortunately, can often be found around almost any house. These are the same sort of areas that will often draw in termites. You can often find them […]
Box elder bugs are typically about half an inch long and dark brown in color. They often have red veins on their wings. These bugs are not harmful and while they sometimes can harm plants when feeding, they often do not cause any type of major damage. However, they like to camp out in places […]
The black widow spider can be found in almost every part of the United States and on almost every continent. They’re often identified as a solid black spider with a red hourglass shape on it. However, not all black windows have this red shape. Some may have red dots, while others might not have anything […]
Brown Recluse Over the next few weeks we’re going to submit short posts giving information about various insects commonly found in Oklahoma. Today, we’ll cover the Brown Recluse, a poisonous spider that can be found somewhere around almost every home. The brown recluse can often be found in often unvisited areas. These include places such […]
B&E Pest Control has a new contact form. It has been shortened and improved. You’ll now receive an email confirming we’ve received your message. You can find the form on this page, or you can use the contact us form at the top in the links. Thanks! [xyz-cfm-form id=1]
It’s beginning to heat up out there. With the heat comes a whole swarm of bugs, pardon the pun. During the winter month’s bugs will often take to hiding in an effort to survive outside in the cold temperature. As soon as summer hits they swarm out of their holes and take back what they […]
B&E Pest Control has a new look! We believe in providing top quality in everything we provide, including our website. We’ve updated the site to bring it in line with current web standards, and to give it a clean, easy to navigate look. We will continue to update all pages on the site over the […]