“A shoe might work on that spider once, but it won’t keep his friends away!”
B&E Pest Control provides home owners with top notch pest control services. There are many other annoying bugs out there besides termites that need to be handled and we have years of experience in place to handle them. That is why we use the best products available to keep them out of your house. You may find a bunch of dead bugs around your house the next day, but it’s better than a bunch of live bugs!
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Black Widow

The black widow is a very poisonous spider often found in Oklahoma. They are identifiable by the colored hourglass shaped mark on their abdomens. Most people that are bitten do not suffer any serious damage. Symptoms in humans cause muscle aches, nausea, and difficulty breathing. They are non aggressive spiders but will bite in self defense. As always, if you are bitten seek medical attention just in case.
Brown Recluse

Another poisonous spider found in Oklahoma is the brown recluse. They can be identified by a violin shape pointing to the rear of the spider on the abdomen. They are often referred to as the “Fiddleback” They make their homes in woodpiles, sheds, closets, garages, cellars and other places that are usually left undisturbed. Bites produce kill skin around the area of the bite causing deep scars. A bite might not be noticed for nearly two hours until it starts to itch. If left untreated it could cause serious damage. Seek medical attention if bitten.
Boxelder Bug

These bugs are about half an inch long and are black with orange or red markings. They are a nuisance to home owners as they often enter in large numbers. They can stain walls, curtains, and other surfaces with excrement.
Carpenter Ant

Carpenter ants are the most likely type of ant to be infesting your house. They make their homes in moist dying wood both indoors and outdoors. They cut tunnels through wood to make passageways for themselves. They can easily damage wood and leave sawdust behind wherever they go.

Fleas are tiny parasites that feed on the blood of their hosts. They are able to jump up to seven inches vertically, or thirteen inches horizontally. Fleas are known to lay eggs and multiply fairly quickly.
German Cockroach

Cockroaches measure just under an inch and can range in color from tan to almost black. They are one of the most common household bugs and are very resilient to many attempts to get rid of them. They diet on starch, sugar, grease, and meats. If none of that is available then they turn to other food such as toothpaste.

Silverfish are light grey and blue in color and have very fish like movements. They live on a diet of glue, book bindings, paper, photos, sugar, coffee, hair, carpet, clothing, and many other household items.

Scorpions tend to live in temperatures ranging from 68 to 99 degrees, but can survive freezing temperatures and the desert heat. They possess fast acting venom that is capable of harming humans. They can be found in almost any area of the home.