The black widow spider can be found in almost every part of the United States and on almost every continent. They’re often identified as a solid black spider with a red hourglass shape on it. However, not all black windows have this red shape. Some may have red dots, while others might not have anything at all.
Black widow spiders often construct a web of irregularly shaped webs. The spider can often be found near the center of these webs where they wait for other insects to be trapped. Most Black Widow spiders are non aggressive and most bites on humans come from the spider defending itself. Many times a human may stick their hand in a web to try to clear it away and the spider may mistake this for it’s regular food.
If you’re in Oklahoma City or surrounding areas and start to notice spider webs around your house, it is a good idea to go ahead and give us a call. Clearing away webs may just cause the spiders to move to other parts of the house and you could end up with an injury.